RecipeBuddy is a simple, easy to use recipe & inventory manager that allows you keep track of existing recipes and cooking supplies. It features a clean, simple interface, advanced cataloging & searching functionality, a robust tagging system, and more!
RecipeBuddy is our team's project for CS350: Software Design & Development, a class at Clarkson University.
Yes. RecipeBuddy is completely open source under the MIT open-source license. You can do whatever you want with it: use it, share it, modify it, and more! We won't stop you- in fact, we'd love to see what you do with our work!
RecipeBuddy currently supports filtering recipes containing peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, soy, gluten, egg, fish, shellfish, corn, sesame, and mustard.
No. RecipeBuddy is a locally-run, single-user system. We cannot collect your data because we have nothing to do it with! If you're still not convinced, you're always welcome to check out our GitHub page. You can build RecipeBuddy yourself, or explore its inner workings if you want to see how it works.
A project by the CrazyRecipes team